Cyber Security for Real Business

Australia Is One Of The Most Targeted Countries In The World By Significant Cyber Attacks, Which Costs Australian Businesses $30 Billion AUD Each Year.

30 Billion

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is the best for your business

a leader in cyber security services for commercial and government clients. We offer a full complement of strategic consulting, advisory, incident response, and managed security capabilities.

Our approach to cyber security is planned, managed, and executed based on the industry, government and corporations governances and regulatory best practices to protect your clients your organisation and your board.



Your Team Educated

Your employees are the last line of defence. Therefore education, knowledge testing, and an active involvement of employees in your cyber defence strategy are essential components. Cyber Security Defence has the tools to continually train your staff in cyber awareness techniques.

Vulnerability Assessments

A Cyber Security Defence expert conducts vulnerability analysis of your network scans to prioritise threats identified. From this, an action plan is created with steps to remediate vulnerabilities in closing gaps in your network’s security.

Penetration Testing

The goal of a penetration test is to validate the vulnerabilities identified during the scanning phase and investigate any other avenues of penetration through reconnaissance and exploitation. Security misconfiguration can happen at any level of an application stack, and these are the targets of modern hackers.

Social Engineering Exercises

Cybercriminals will use any means to steal information or befriend or impersonate your staff. Cyber Security Defence has simulation tools and exercises to assess and train your employees on the techniques and methods used by those wanting to steal or get access to your corporate information.

Defence Assessments

Our Ethical Hacking hoods attack your business using all the same tools and techniques as Cybercriminals. From this assessment we provide recommendations on defending and monitoring unlawful or harmful activity such as Identifying any of your information being sold on the Dark Web.

Disaster Recovery Assessments

Cyber criminals attack the disaster recovery point so the business cannot restore or recover from the attack. Businesses need to continually review disaster recovery best practices as these change as they become vulnerable the same way applications and vendor hardware become vulnerable.


How it Works

Advisory Services

Our expert advisory services prepare your organisation to withstand security challenges through four areas: Awareness Training, Assessment, Advise, Action.

Managed Security

We combine the
latest technology with trained, experienced, engineers and analysts located in our Australian-based SOC to secure your people, systems and data.

Response Services

We provide experts resources and tools to contain, and eliminate attackers on your network through a single distinct offering.

Validated Protection

Involvement of third-party developers into IQeon ecosystem and expansion of our own product line will lead to growth in users.


The Cost Of Cybercrime

30%Of Business Know They Have Been A Victim Of A Cyber Crime

70%Of Businesses Are Unaware That They Have Been A Victim

    Average Cost To Individuals$700
    Average Cost To Business$276,000
    Cost To Australian Economy $30 Billion
    • There is an attack every:39 Seconds
    • cybersecurity breaches due to human error:95%
    • Average time it takes companies to detect a data breach:6 Months
    • Connected IoT devices will reach75 billion by 2025
    • spent globally on cybersecurity:$6 trillion
    • Since COVID-19 reported cybercrimes have risen 300%



    Frequently Asked Questions

    The increasing reliance of our information-age economies and governments on cyber (computer-based) infrastructure makes them progressively more vulnerable to cyber attacks on our computer systems, networks, and data. In their most disruptive form, cyber attacks target the enterprise, government, military, or other infrastructural assets of a nation or its citizens.

    Both the volume and sophistication of cyber threats (cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage and malicious hacking) are monotonically increasing, and pose potent threats to our enterprise, government, military, or other infrastructural assets. Knowing that to be forewarned is to be forearmed, we are well advised to effect strong Cybersecurity defenses that will thwart rapidly evolving cyber threats.

    Ransomware is always one of our biggest concerns. Recently, we’ve also been concerned with monitoring and preventing lateral phishing takeover attacks.

    Through these types of cyberattacks, hackers gain access to an employee’s email account. Then, they set up rules to extract valuable data and information. Once hackers find a piece of information they can exploit, they use it to create a genuine-looking email to everyone in the employee’s address book.

    With advanced technologies and machine learning, hackers can make phishing emails look frighteningly legitimate. As other employees open and interact with the email, hackers gain access to more data and information until the entire organisation is affected.

    Mobile devices do bring great utility in terms of convenience and allowing individuals to be “online all the time.” Governments have widely deployed mobile devices for accessing resources and greater workforce productivity. However, the use of mobile devices for communicating and for sharing data create inherent security issues and add more points of access to the network. Mobile malware threats are certainly growing and a significant security concern with mobile devices is the loss of the device. Additional risks related to mobile devices are personal devices being used in the workplace and authentication of the user. 

    Yes. Cloud services promise to provide flexibility, scalability, measured service and certain cost efficiencies, but also present additional security risks associated with authentication, access and storage of government data. The total economic cost and different security elements of cloud services must be fully understood when evaluating cloud computing in general and the various deployment models (public, private, hybrid, community). Consumer-based cloud services used by government workers present additional risks because they may not offer rigorous security controls.


    Awesome Team

    Ethical Hackers
    Forensic Experts
    Full Stack Programmers
    Attack and Defence teams
    Awareness trainers
    CSOC team




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